How to have more Happiness, Fulfillment and Success with Less Stress 


I’m thrilled that you’ve taken a step towards self-love. Congratulations! You made a choice that will change your life and help you to treat yourself. 

Let’s get down to the practical part of this course:

You can come back to this page as often as you wish. If you encounter a problem, write us a line at To get started, please download your workbook and save it onto your computer or other device. 

You can either print out your workbook or you can type directly in the pdf file. If you haven’t first saved it onto your device, what you write in it won’t be saved.

Please also download the meditation MP3s. You can listen to them in any order you wish and as often as you wish.

I designed them so that you could work on your mindset. The videos are all about practical steps you can take and the meditations will shift your thinking. 
Please watch the videos from 1 to 12. They build on each other and won’t make much sense if viewed in  a different order. 
I recommend that you do the course over 6 to 8 weeks for maximum results.
If you need help with any of the material, you can request a free session with me where we’ll uncover your stumbling blocks to self-love and get you right back on track.

If you’re not satisfied with the course, let us know and we’ll see what we can do for you.



A New Day. You can use this meditation to wake up in the morning. I even recommend you listen to it in bed! This will help you set your intentions for the day, allowing your thoughts, words and actions to be perfectly aligned and move in harmony. Simply listen to the recording and choose one word to guide you through the day. The word could be TRUST. It could be JOY. It could be SPACIOUSNESS or any other word you feel would inspire you.


Struggling to forgive can be a real block to your self-love. It doesn’t so much matter whether you forgive yourself for past errors or other people: the thing is to forgive. When you start to forgive wrongs from the past and see them as errors, you can move forward, release the resentment and hurt. This meditation invites you to choose love and joy over anger and resentment. Be ready and willing to love some more. 


There is nothing you have to do, be or have to be totally worthy. You’re worthy just as you are so you can start letting all the good stuff into your life. You are meant to be happy and fulfilled. It is your birthright. Your happiness does not take anything away from anybody. You are worthy of happiness, you are worthy of love, you are worthy of success and you are worthy of abundance. Dive into these feelings and feel your spirit lift. 

QUICK access to modules


Module 01

  • get rid of the busyness

You’ll realize that you’re doing a lot of stuff that you haven’t CHOSEN to do. Somebody made you feel you HAD TO DO IT so now you’re doing it. I’ll be inviting you to stop doing what doesn’t make sense, leaving you FREE to focus on what does. What could be more self-loving?

Workbook page 2


Module 02

  • define your values

You’ll be defining your values. When you get ultra clear on what you’re all about, it’s so much easier to make choices that honour this beautiful being. You’ve taken on responsibilities in life; maybe you’re totally comfortable with all of them, but in case you feel some overload in this department, we’ll get rid of what doesn’t tie in with your convictions.

Workbook pages 2 to 4


Module 03


  • craft your vision statement


It’s time to craft your vision statement because you’re now clear on what is important to you. You’re no longer getting into overwhelm and confusion because your choices are based on a heightened sense of self and there’s no arguing with that. You’ll be top-tuning your self-love through the alignment of your thoughts, words and actions: your most beautiful self is emerging.

Workbook pages 5 and 6


Module 04

  • Commit to self-care

You tailor-make your self-care program. By all means have massages and weekend trips but you won’t be needing them any more: you’ll probably want to gift yourself amazing experiences and creature comforts, but YOU WON’T NEED THEM because you’ll be focusing on what makes you joyful, every day, every week. Your real needs will be taken care of in modules 9 and 10!

Workbook pages 7 and 8


Module 05

  • sense your boundaries

You’ll be putting powerful boundaries in place so that you won’t TOLERATE what is not honouring you. Gone are the days where you were willing to accept something less than ideal. These days, you are clear on exactly what you are willing to let into your life and what you’ll no longer accept because you’re worth it, remember?

Workbook 9 to 11


Module 06

  • Practise saying NO

With your boundaries firmly in place, you’ll now learn how to let others down with grace and say NO without getting aggressive about it: people will be forced to take your NO for a NO and the good thing is that they won’t even mind because you’ll be walking your talk.

Workbook page 12


Module 07

  • Talk back to your Inner Critic

Your Inner Critic will be sent on to more rewarding tasks than blaming and shaming you. You don’t need that any more. Your self-image will shift as you’re no longer scolded by a frightened critic who might have your best interests at heart but who got it totally wrong, poor thing.

Workbook pages 13 to 14


Module 08

  • step into your power

You’ll see how you might have been hiding and let the world get a feel of who you really are. As you stop saying sorry when you haven’t done anything wrong, coating your statements in language like: this may sound stupid or I think and when you stop socializing with people who’ve got standards below your own, you’ll emerge as the powerful being that you really are. This is full on self-love because you’ll at last be all of who you are which is somebody so amazing that you’ll instantly fall head-over-heals in love!

Workbook page 15


Module 09

  • Have your needs met

 You’ll define your real needs, take full responsibility for having them met and get to choose exactly HOW you want them met. How does it get better than that? Nurturing unmet needs is incompatible with self-love so over to you: What are your needs?

Workbook page 16


Module 10

  • Experience your desires

You’ll let your desires point you to how you want your needs met. Desires are of course delicious and oh so useful because without them, you wouldn’t know how you want to experience having your needs met. Be prepared to craft your very own manifestation plan.

Workbook page 17


Module 11

  • enter your zone of excellence

As you move on, becoming more and more a reflection of your desires, you meet your Zone of Excellence. This is where your thoughts, words and actions align. This is a powerful place to be operating from. Gone are doubts and procrastination. By embracing your Zone of Excellence, you’ll be experiencing ALL of you, your values and your desires, using your unique skills and talents. You’ll realize just how beautiful a being you really are.

Workbook pages 19 and 20

Module 12

  • accept that you are worthy

You’ll be making a life-changing decision here and the good news is that you’ll be more than ready for it! You’ll know that you’re totally worthy of all the good things in life that you desire; to be more precise: you deserve them happening to you. No chance of you slipping back into old thoughts and behaviours because you’ll be designing/affirming your self-love rituals that’ll keep you on track!

Workbook pages 20 to 24


Katrine Horn 

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© 2017 – 2023  |  Katrine Horn  |  |  All Rights Reserved

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