She believed she could

so she did!

Meet Katrine: A Journey from Curiosity to Transformation

Katrine’s story is one of relentless curiosity and the courage to seek more from life.

Born in the cosy confines of Denmark, she quickly realized that her aspirations stretched far beyond her familial bounds.

Her spirit of adventure led her to the prestigious Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London, where she embraced the vibrant life of a student, filled with aspirations and achievements.

Yet, even amidst the bustling streets of London, the question lingered: “Is this all there is to life?”

This quest for deeper meaning propelled her to the esteemed Conservatoires de Paris and eventually to the charming city of Toulouse, where life’s twists and turns continued to shape her path.

From a university teacher to a business school instructor and a coach in leadership and positive psychology, Katrine’s journey was anything but linear.

Today, nestled in the rustic elegance of a manor in the South of France, with the tranquillity of the Alps and the serenity of the sea within reach, Katrine contemplates her next chapter, dreaming of a château.

Her life’s journey, marked by a quest for more, underpins her coaching philosophy—inspiring others to dare to dream and embrace the boundless possibilities that life offers.


 Offering Inspirational Insights and Empowering Wellness Resources 


“Who Do You Think You Are ?”  

Behind this cheeky question lies a need to forge ourselves an identity.
Believing we’re not enough as we are, we take on labels, roles and start to wear masks to make up for what we think we lack.

Guest speaker at Réveil Créatif !

Invited by Réveil Créatif, I had the opportunity to talk about my experience at La Dynamo, Toulouse (France). If you speak French, you can watch it here!

“When I’m not creating do I really exist? “To create” and “to live” could be synonyms. Creating would then be like breathing. This would mean that it would be innate and that everybody would be able to do it, indeed ought to do it. You create in order not to fall into the trap of a life dedicated to routine, dictated by society; you create in order to replace a humdrum life with one where you can say “I see familiar things from a different perspective” and “I take risks that make me grow!”

Writer for HUFFPOST UK 

As a Writer for Huffpost UK, I give practical as well as mind management tools & tips for happier living, authentic relationships and emotional freedom so that you can shape your life in any way you want. 

– Writing Things Down Can Be Your First Step In Taking Action
– What If Mindfulness And Meditation Don’t Work For You?
– Life As A Journey
– Heartbreak

Your Dreams are there for a reason

Katrine Horn Coaching stands as a beacon of inspiration, reminding you to reclaim your dreams, reignite your passions, and create a life that truly reflects the depths of your soul. It is a gentle reminder that it’s never too late to embrace the fullness of who you are and live a life that is rich with purpose and fulfillment. Today, let your dreams take flight once again. You have the power within you to make them soar.

Life Coach, TEDx Speaker, Self-Love Activist, Katrine Horn coaches high achievers to more success with less stress.

©2024 - Katrine Horn  - Terms and use 

Life Coach, TEDx Speaker, Self-Love Activist


©2024 - Katrine Horn  - Terms and uses 

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