The price to pay for peace of mind is to take 100% responsibility.

So why don’t we all experience peace of mind on a permanent basis? It sounds so simple? The short answer is that it hurts. It hurts to take responsibility because when you attribute responsibility for something it’s often because this something went wrong and that’s a great opportunity to get you tailspinning into recrimination, fault-finding and blame.

When something goes right, when there’s not a problem in sight, nobody seems to ask where the responsibility lies.

No wonder you don’t want to take responsibility! But what would happen if there was no recrimination, fault-finding or judgement? What if there was only awareness, compassion and learning opportunities?

What if you no longer had to explain away anything and you didn’t have to blame yourself when something went wrong? What if you wouldn’t think less of yourself and you wouldn’t make yourself wrong? You just did something wrong; no big deal.

In taking responsibility it’s vital that
you don’t feel the need to find fault or to judge yourself. Resolve to forgive yourself for past mistakes. You made a mistake; you are not a mistake. 

Taking responsibility is liberating because it gives you back your power: you are (in part) responsible; you created the situation, you can un-create it. You cannot be in charge of your life if you’re not 100% responsible for what goes on in it.

Taking 100% responsibility means waving goodbye to any opportunity for complaining about what others did or didn’t do. Or to explain away your errors. You just assume responsibility without a heavy load of judgement, learn from your mistakes and move on. How freeing!

This is peace of mind. Your mind is no longer busy attributing blame; you’ve got available space for love, forgiveness, tolerance and joy.

And talking about designing your life or at least being in charge of what goes on in it, goal setting is only useful if you’re prepared to take responsibility. There’s no use of setting goals if you’re not the person responsible for achieving them. If you set yourself goals without taking full responsibility, you’re unlikely to achieve them because you’ll be giving away your power to circumstances, looking for people or events to blame for not achieving them.

Taking responsibility is the price to pay for peace of mind.

If this resonates with you, I put together 6 tips on how to take full responsibility in your life so that you can enjoy peace of mind. Please read on:

6 Tips to Enjoy Peace of Mind

1. Accept 100 % responsibility for everything you are; choose action over complaining and explaining

2. Look into the past and select a person or an incident that makes you unhappy today. Instead of justifying your negative feelings, look for reasons why you were (partly) responsible for what happened without judging yourself for it.

3. Select one person from your past with whom you’re still angry. Forgive that person completely for what happened. This act will liberate you emotionally.

4. Accept complete responsibility for your financial situation and refuse to blame any financial problems on anyone else. What steps are you going to take to resolve this situation?

5. Accept complete responsibility for your family situation. With each person, take immediate action to improve the relationships where there may be problems. Enjoy the ones that are joyful.

6. Take 100% responsibility for your health. Stop or resolve to stop whatever is necessary for you to attain excellent health.


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About the author: 

Katrine Horn is a speaker and life coach who guides women to create the life of their dreams, to recognize their intrinsic value and release the illusion that life is a struggle. Katrine teaches women how to manage their emotions leaving them free to embrace opportunity when it comes their way. She helps them enter their Zone of Excellence where there are able to step aside to allow their highest good to find them. 

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