

 right hereIf you’re triggered by an act or by a remark from somebody, it’s a sign that this somebody just came very close to touching a deep wound of yours.Triggers; we all have them yet most of us want to avoid them. I’m talking about those annoying habits that my...
A Self-Lover’s Way of Keeping Fear at Bay

A Self-Lover’s Way of Keeping Fear at Bay

The self-loving way to live with fear The following are habits I have formed over the years to cultivate a loving relationship with myself and the world. I call this self-love. I have also included some self-care that I am adopting at the moment to choose love instead...
6 Tips on How to Achieve Peace of Mind

6 Tips on How to Achieve Peace of Mind

The price to pay for peace of mind is to take 100% responsibility. So why don’t we all experience peace of mind on a permanent basis? It sounds so simple? The short answer is that it hurts. It hurts to take responsibility because when you attribute responsibility for...
Kick the Deprivation-Indulgence Cycle Habit

Kick the Deprivation-Indulgence Cycle Habit

Have you ever asked yourself: “Come on, how hard can it be to stay on this diet? It’s just 30 days?” Or sworn to yourself: “I’ll be so good and not buy anything for a whole month once I’ve got this dress with those adorable shoes.” These are...
Self-Sacrifice Mode

Self-Sacrifice Mode

When we love unconditionally, it’s easy to lose ourselves. The object of our love has got our full attention and we take that to mean we can give ourselves none. Think of a young woman who’s in love for the first time: she can’t eat, she can’t sleep, her whole world...


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